Abbey Johnson | Office Assistant

Abbey began noticing home layouts and interior design at about the same time that her friends were big on video games. “I found apps for residential design and I dove into them,” she explains. “I also started playing around in Minecraft to replicate my friends’ houses. I even guessed the square footage fairly accurately!”

Her early interests led her to enroll in a university program that explores a mix of residential architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and product design. “So far, residential and interior design resonate most with me,” Abbey says. She envisions becoming an architectural designer in the future, infusing home projects with her passion for creativity and innovation.

Abbey’s time at NewStudio has affirmed her career goals. “This environment encourages learning the complexities and rewards of working in architecture. I love being around people who are innovative and brilliant at what they do, because it pushes me to put that same energy and care into what I do,” she adds. The NewStudio team appreciates her reciprocal attention to detail and positive energy, too.

Favorite Office Supply: A really messy gel pen—it's the best when you’re a lefty (not!)

If I Was Stranded On An Island, The One Thing I’d Take With Me: An inflatable raft so I could leave

If I Could Have Dinner With Anyone (Past or Present), It Would Be: Martha Stewart, because she seems like a good-time gal and would make a mean chicken

Most Cherished Item I Own: An Arnold Palmer autograph


Pursuing Environmental Design, University of Colorado – Boulder