Christmas Movies and Their Architecture

Christmas Movies and Their Architecture

As we gather with family and friends this holiday season, we might find ourselves baking cookies and watching Christmas movies. This may be a tradition for some of us - watching our favorite movies every year to ring in the holiday spirit. But have you ever taken a moment to observe the architecture in these films? From the Polar Express that ends in North Pole Square, to Klaus set on the Scandanavian island of Smeerensburg, to the Grinch Who Stole Christmas set in Dr. Suess’s Whoville. What built examples of architecture resemble these make-believe villages?

Q&A with Dave Dammar - Expert in Architectural Surveys

Q&A with Dave Dammar - Expert in Architectural Surveys

NewStudio has completed hundreds of architectural surveys as of 2022. While these surveys can sometimes be quite simple, they can also become an intricate process, requiring precise measurements and documentation of complex structures to produce 3D models.

Dave Dammar, our leading expert in architectural surveys, shared some insights in a 2019 Q&A that we wanted to share again.